How To Check The Authenticity of Immigration Consultants?

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Checking the originality of immigration consultants is important to avoid scams and get reliable help.

Make sure the best Canada immigration consultants in Qatar is certified by relevant authorities. For example, in Canada, they should be members of the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC).

Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients. Check websites, social media, and forums to see what others say about their experience.

Ask to see the consultant’s licenses and verify them with the issuing bodies. Authentic consultants should not hesitate to show their credentials.

Government immigration websites often list authorized consultants. Check if the consultant’s name appears on these lists.

If possible, visit the consultant’s office. A legitimate business will have a professional setup. Be cautious of consultants who only work online or through phone calls.

Ask detailed questions about the immigration process. Genuine consultants will provide clear, honest answers without making unrealistic promises.

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